Update from David Furneaux:
The address for messages of condolence is: David Furneaux, Seymour, Whitchurch Hill, Reading RG8 7PG.
For those unable to attend the service, David has arranged a webcast which will be broadcast live, and then available to watch for 28 days after the event. Below are the Username and Password for the webcast along with the times it will be available to view. You can login to the website at any time to view a Test Webcast, which we would recommend doing in plenty of time before the service:
Username | sate3288 |
Password | 771753 |
Service Date | Friday 19th November |
Service Time | 1:00 pm |
Service Viewing Time | 12:56 pm – 1:50 pm |
Website | https://watch.obitus.com |
Sad news has come in from David Furneaux, Tony’s son. His email is shown below:
Tony passed away on Monday 25th October at his care home in Henley. He was going downhill due to his dementia but succumbed to a chest infection. He was 94.
His funeral is on Friday, 19th November 13:00 at Reading Crematorium. We will have some drinks and snacks afterwards (TBA) to celebrate his life. Could you please communicate this to all his ex work colleagues as I’m sure you will have contact with many of them. Also, If people wish to attend the after event, could they let me know so I have a rough idea of the numbers for catering.
My Dad loved his time at Faireys. He always talked of his fondness for the people he worked with and never had a bad word to say about anyone.
David Furneaux
Please let us know at admin@faireysurveys.co.uk if you want to attend the after event, and the responses will be passed on to David Furneaux.
Below is a photograph of Tony at the 2004 BBQ at White Waltham, which seems a real classic, and another taken at work, where he wasn’t quite so happy!