Mike Penrose has sent an email with photographs and cine film stills from his father, John Owen Penrose, otherwise known as Jack or Pen.
If anyone can provide information on any of them, please let us know by email (admin@faireysurveys.co.uk) or by using the comment form below.
Click on the photographs for a larger image.

Jack Penrose (Pen) with a Dragon Rapide.

Does anyone know who the other people in the photograph are?
Update January 2021: Ken Fostekew has identified some of these. L to R: 1?, 2?, 3 Peter Sharman, 4?, 5?, 6 Engineer Jim Roe?, 8 Pilot John Penrose. The others probably clients.

Can anyone identify this aeroplane? Is it a Fairey Surveys aeroplane? Possibly photographed in Sierra Leone. Update from Ken Fostekew January 2021: This is a Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer, not an FSL aircraft, we used “Twin Pins” much later from Flight One at Staverton.

Is this the same aeroplane as the previous photograph?

Mike Penrose asks who is the man next to the aeroplane. Possibly this is the same plane as in the previous photographs – note the blue stripe. Update from Ken Fostekew January 2021: The man on the left is Tom Kirkwood.

Another DC3 – Charlie Alpha again?