Reunion 2024: photographs

We only have a few photographs from this year’s reunion. If anyone has any others they could share, please add a comment below, or email and I’ll add them to this post.

Photograph by Tony White

Click here for a full size image

For full size images, right- click the photograph and select ‘Open image in new tab’

And finally, the people who were there: (Click here for a full size image)

1Derek Minter14Les Ritson-Smith
2Dave Padgett15Victor Brown
3Brenda Miller16Gillian Wallace (Edwards)
4Dusty Miller17Susan Deller
5Brian Slark18John Tompkins
6Jane Denham19Richard Groom
7Sue Dunstan20Mike Deller
8Jerry Willson21Carol Tompkins
9Roger Laffoley22Raelene Brown
10Anne Ullersperger23Sally Pilkinton
11Ken Fostekew24Ken Ullersperger
12Dave Wright25Patricia Cheffins (Bill’s daughter)
13Joan Wright26Lawrence Scott

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