Peter Redford RIP

Geoff Milsom has let us know that Peter Redford, one of the Fairey Surveys pilots, has died, though as yet there are no other details.  Peter and his wife Val were at the 2019 reunion at White Waltham, and are on the left of Ken Fostekew in the clubhouse doorway on the reunion photograph – shown below.

When we know more, it will be added to the post here.

Survey pilots

Geoff Milsom, former Chief Pilot, has drawn up a list of pilots who worked for Fairey Air Surveys, Fairey Surveys and Clyde Surveys during his time.

This list is not necessarily comprehensive.  Any omissions or corrections would be gratefully received, along with any other information on the pilots themselves.  For example: Desmond Plunkett was one of the wartime RAF officers portrayed in the film ‘Great Escape’ (see article under ‘Personnel’), and Paul Heimes flew Spitfires in the Battle of Britain.

The list is attached:

Faireys Surveys pilots