Fairey Surveys pension plan

However long ago you worked for Fairey Surveys, if you paid into their pension scheme you may well be eligible for a pension, even if it’s tiny.  If you think you may be eligible, or have forgotten whether you contributed or not, you can get in touch with the pension administrators, contact details below:

The Pearson Group Pension Plan
Pearson Services Ltd
80 Strand
Telephone: +44 20 7010 2424
Email: pensions.helpline@pearson.com

Colin Price – photos from his archive

From Colin Price we have a set of photos posed for an advertisement (anyone recognise it?), a picture from a Kodak shoot (complete with guns) circa 1988, and a shot of the Clyde MD signing an important contract or sale document.  Colin also sent in some beautiful oblique photos of Windsor Castle.  Click on the thumbnail photograph to see the full version.

?, Colin Price
?, Colin Price
?, Colin Price
?, Colin Price
Dave Paggett, Keith Russell, Frank Blake, Roy (Mac) Macdonald, Colin Price, ?
Dave Paggett, Keith Russell, Frank Blake, Roy (Mac) Macdonald, Colin Price, ?
Miles Henry, Clyde MD (?), ?, ?
Miles Henry, Clyde MD (?), ?, ?
Windsor Casle
Windsor Casle
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle


Memories of Roy Macdonald

John Tompkins sent this photograph of Roy cutting his 90th birthday cake at White Waltham Cricket Club two years ago – Jane Denham next to him.  Please send in any photos or anecdotes, so we can add them here.

Roy Macdonald - 90th birthday
Roy Macdonald – 90th birthday



Roy Macdonald passed away on 14th February 2013

It is with great sadness that we have to report that Roy Macdonald died on 14th February 2013.

Maureen Groves, Roy’s daughter, emailed John Tompkins with the information, and a request that the information be distributed to all his friends from Fairey Surveys.  The family hope that some of them will be able to make the journey to Bangor to join them in celebrating his long and happy life.  John is sending a card to Flora on behalf of all friends from FSL.

There is a video about Roy on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com).  Search for ‘Roy Macdonald – the first 90 years’.  It was uploaded on 6th August 2010, so we presume that Roy was 92 when he died last Friday.

Attached are details of the service to celebrate his life, for those who would like to attend.

Roy Macdonald – Announcement Card

We would be really happy to upload any pictures, information or anecdotes about Roy onto the website for everyone to share.  Please use the ‘Contact’ form on the website to let us know what you would like to pass on, and we’ll get in touch to let you know where to send it.

Southern Africa photos

Adrian Workman contributed these photos from Southern Africa from the early 1960s.  Click on the photos for a larger image.

AW13 Kariba dam under construction - taken c1959 from Faireys DC3
AW13 Kariba dam under construction – taken c1959 from Faireys DC3
AW14 Kariba dam after opening - taken by Adrian Workman on a drive from Salisbury with Tony Bosley and Jim Rowe
AW14 Kariba dam after opening – taken by Adrian Workman on a drive from Salisbury with Tony Bosley and Jim Rowe
AW01 En route to Kariba Dam
AW01 En route to Kariba Dam
AW02 Faireys crew Lusaka
AW02 Faireys crew Lusaka
AW03 Faireys Dakota en route
AW03 Faireys Dakota en route
AW04 Salisbury Airport
AW04 Salisbury Airport
Kalambo Falls, Abercorn
Zambia. Jim Storrie and
Paul Heimes with other