Fred Loake RIP

News has come via Lawrence Scott that Fred Loake, who worked for Fairey Surveys in the 1950s, died on 18th December. The news came from Fred’s daughter Jennifer.

Fred was a surveyor, and worked with Lawrence in the Zambesi Valley, and other projects in Rhodesia and Malawi.  Later he worked in the Plotting Section, and the Christmas 1957 edition of the internal newsletter ‘Air Surveyor’ has a note welcoming him to the Plotting Section along with Peter Cripps, Leo Lewis and Mike Neighbour “all Graduates of the ‘Bunny’ Burrows’ Academy”.  Hopefully someone out there can fill us in on this!

He lived in Walsall, and his funeral is to take place on 18th December, which is all the information we have at the moment.

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